CBSE 10th IT402 Unit 2 Self Management Skills BOOK SOLUTIONS (Employability Skills Book Solutions)


CBSE Class 10th 

Subject : Information Technology 402 

Book Solutions 

(Employability Skills)    

Unit 2 : Self Management Skills

Class 10 Employability Skills Important Questions and Answer (Book Solutions)

Self Management Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

     CBSE Class 10 Employability Skills Unit 2: Self Management Skills most important Questions and Answers. Self Management Skills MCQs are also discussed here which will help you to complete your preparation of class 10 IT CODE 402 examination. Here, you will get the most important Questions of CBSE class 10 Employability Skills. Practices these questions to get good marks in class 10 board examination.

Multiple Choice Questions and Answers 

(CBSE Class 10th MCQ Self Management Skills)

1.  What makes you complete work or studies without others cheering you?

(a) Self-confidence                                      

(b) Communication

(c) Self-motivation                                     

(d) Self-esteem


2.  Which of the following are types of motivation?

(a) Internal                                                    

(b) Intermediate

(c) External                                                   

(d) Extensive

A and C both Answer

3.  Ravi works hard to get the best student award at the end of year. What type of motivation is this?

(a) Internal                                                     

(b) E xternal

(c) Both internal and external                    

(d) Not any specific type of motivation


Subjective Questions and Answers 

[Self Management Skills Book Solutions Class 10]

1. Describe stress and stress management in your own words.

Ans. Stress is our emotional, mental, physical and social reaction to any perceived demands or threats.

For example, you are too close to the exams but feel unprepared.

Stress Management is about making a plan to be able to cope effectively with daily pressures. You have to make a suitable plan for your daily life routines so that it would not put hard pressure on you. If you are not able to manage yourself to the increasing pressure this will led to stress.

Our main goal is to maintain a balance between life, work, relationships, relaxation and fun. By doing this, you are able to  manage stress-related problems in your daily life


2.   List your favourite stress management technique and elaborate on why you find it the most effective for you.

Ans. The stress management techniques are:

  1. Time Management - One of my favourite stress management technique and I think this is the most important one. If we are able to manage time properly then there will be no pressure of pending work on us.
  2. Physical exercise and fresh air - Doing yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises help in proper blood circulation and relaxes the body. Which will help to become more active.
  3. Healthy diet - Eating a balanced diet, such as Dal, Roti, vegetables and fruits will give the strength to do daily work efficiently.
  4. Positivity - Focussing on negative aspects of life will add more stress. Instead, learn to look at the good things and stay positive. For example, instead of feeling upset over scoring less in a test, try to maintain a positive attitude and look at ways to improve the next time.
  5. Organising academic life; no delaying - By keeping class notes organised, finishing in assignments on time, and keeping track of all deadlines, stress can be reduced to a great extent.
  6. Sleep - A good night’s sleep for at least 7 hours helps the brain and body get recharged to function better the next day.
  7. Holidays with family and friends Going to a relative’s place, such as your grandparents’ house or a new place during your summer vacations can help to break from the normal routine and come back afresh.

3.  What is Goal Setting?

Ans. Goal setting is a process which helps a person to decide where he wants to go in life. This will help them to decide where to put his efforts to achieve that goal. After deciding the goal or aim of life one can easily go through the process of achieving it. This gives you the motivation to work hard. 

4.  In SMART goals, what does ‘S’ stand for? Explain.

Ans. In SMART goals ‘S’ stands for Specific goal. A specific and clear goal answers six questions. Who is involved in the goal? What do I want to do? Where do I start? When do I start and finish? Which means do I use? Why am I doing this? For Example:


Not a specific goal: “I want to become a doctor.”

Specific goal: “I want to become a doctor by studying MBBS after my school gets over. After getting my MBBS degree I will make a hospital in my village.”

5. What is the best way to work on Long Term Goals?

Ans : The best way to work on long-term goals is :

Part-1 Develop a long-term goal

     Ask yourself where you’d like to see yourself in next few years.

     Build a goal from your board ideas.

     Write out a specific goal.

     Separate short and long-term goals.

     Assess your goal to make sure it’s manageable.


Part-2 Achieving your Long-Term Goal

     Commit to one long-term goal at a time.

     Break your goal into sub-goals.

     Set up a timetable for your goal and sub-goals.

     Work on your self-discipline.

     Develop habits that aid in accomplishing your goal.

     Review your progress regularly.

     Identify obstacles you might encounter.

Part-3 Staying Motivated for Long-Term Goals

     Take breaks regularly.

     Try to make your goal fun.

·         Celebrate your successes


6.  What is time management and how can you manage your time?

Ans. Time management is the ability to plan and control how you spend the hours of your day well and do all that you want to do.

The steps for effectively managing time are:

Step-1 Organise

  We plan our day-to-day activities.

  We make a timetable that we follow.

  We keep our surroundings and study table clean.

  We put things back where they belong.

  It helps us save time!

Step-2 Prioritise

  We make a to-do list that has all our activities and we rank them in the order of importance. For example, you may rank doing homework as the most important task. It helps us to get the most important task done first and also to track what is pending.

Step-3 Control

  We have a control over our activities and time.

  We avoid time wasters like chatting on the phone, surfing gossip sites, etc., and focus on more important things.

 Step-4 Track

  We identify and note where we have spent our time. This will help us analyse if we have used our time effectively or not. It also helps us to identify time-wasting activities.

7.  How can tracking your time help you?

Ans. Tracking your time helps you gain perspective on your life, so you can determine whether the way you spend your time is true to your priorities and what’s important to you. By tracking your time you can

    See how many hours you actually work.

    Can separate from the stories you tell yourself.

    Discover what your priorities actually are.

    Time feels richer.

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